
Monday, March 2, 2009

I don't know what it is about hot chocolate, but it's always seemed like one of those things you just don't make from scratch.

It almost has a mythical nature--this perfect drink I would enjoy as a kid on those brisk Atlanta mornings during our three week long winters.  But you never actually saw someone make hot chocolate.  It would come out of a paper packet, like so much oatmeal or cream of wheat, to be mixed with water or milk.  Sometimes, if you were lucky, it came in a nice canister (but make sure to avoid this stuff!).  You could get it at IHOP or Ruby Tuesday's, but you never got refills.  There was something special about hot chocolate.

And so I've deep fried turkeys, made cheesecakes and mousses, put cranberries in a risotto, and made ice cream from scratch.  But I've never thought to make hot chocolate from scratch.  Until today.



It's actually much easier than I thought.  Just some unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar, salt, water, milk, and vanilla extract.  I finished it with a little vanilla cream and mmmmmm, no longer mythical.

I'm on my second cup right now and I can see why they don't serve multiple cups of this to little kids.  I feel like one of the balls in this commericial.


Unknown said...

Come on, give us lazy folks the proportions to make it

March 2, 2009 at 12:00 PM
Tahir said...

Heh it's loosely based off:

March 2, 2009 at 12:08 PM
Unknown said...

Wimp. Can't even handle 2 cups of hot chocolate? Pfft.

March 2, 2009 at 12:10 PM
Kristie said...

Seriously. This is your first time. I am shocked! I, the meager cook that I am, have been making hot chocolate from scratch for a while.


March 2, 2009 at 4:31 PM